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Water Damage Restoration

We at know a thing or two about water damage restoration as it has been our job to help people like you for the last 11 years. We know looking for a water damage restoration company is not a pleasant experience, but finding the right fit will save you money and get your damage repaired quickly. Restoration of water damage actually encompasses quite a few services including standard removal of water, cleaning, furniture cleaning/restoration, health sanitizing for mold, mildew and microbes. A reputable water damage restoration service will let you know up front what you will likely need (it is not always possible to tell until water is cleared out) and will be able to restore your property to a like new condition.

The Water Damage Restoration Process

All water damage restoration starts with water removal. This will include checking for non-visible water pockets and also for any potential source of water (leaky pipe for example). Once the water is cleared out the drying process begins and usually multiple high powered fans are used to speed the process along. Some water damage remediation will require that carpet and other surfaces be lifted or removed entirely in order for the area to be completely dried. Third is the cleaning phase where surfaces and objects such as couches, cabinets, etc. are sanitized and scrubbed so that any mold that has formed does not remain. Lastly, every water damage restoration job should include a follow up air quality test. This can be particularly important for employers who want to avoid litigation and for families with small children who can be more sensitive to the health hazards caused by water damage.

Additional Water Restoration Services:

  • Moisture Testing
  • Testing for fungus and molds
  • Checking for underground moisture which can indicate a leak that can lead to water damage.
  • Complete disinfecting of all affected areas
  • Follow up to ensure moisture or mildew has not returned.